Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.

Strategic planification support for Rebonds! which uses sport as a tool for education and social and professional integration for people in difficulty in the Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée region

Refugee Food
Support for the spin-off of several activities and structuration of the social franchise for one of the activities for Refugee Food, an association working for the professional integration of refugees.

Règles élémentaires
Support for the spin-off of the Règles élémentaires association, which fights against menstrual insecurity and the taboo surrounding menstruation.

RĂ©seau Compost In Situ
Support in defining and formalising the strategic plan of the Compost In Situ network, a union of players determined to encourage the development of composting on a regional scale, to guarantee the return to the soil of organic matter in a short circuit in conjunction with local agriculture, in order to build a collective strategic plan for 2025 – 2030.

RĂ©seau HAPA
HAPAR networkHAPAR networkHAPA network

RĂ©seau VRAC
Animation and structuring of the VRAC network. The VRAC association promotes the development of purchasing groups in priority policy areas in several French territories

Support for the development of the spin-off strategy and its beneficiary pathway in two new areas for the RĂŞv’Elles association, which helps young women from working-class neighbourhoods to achieve personal and professional fulfilment.

Support for RĂ©zoSocial, a social integration company that trains employees in IT jobs to help them find permanent employment, on an opportunity analysis for the development of new offers, market analysis – competition, reflection on value propositions and pricing.

Facilitation of collective workshops on scaling up for the winners of the Loops and Booster programme

Santé Sud
Subcontracting mission to support the development of SantĂ© Sud’s service model, which works in France and internationally to provide access to quality care for all. SantĂ© Sud supports local actors in strengthening sustainable health structures and systems

Scale Me Up
Co-production with Agence Française de Développement (AFD) of the Scale Me Up tool, which uses a series of questions to help users identify their strengths and areas for improvement in order to scale up and prepare, for example, to meet investors at their stage of development.

Sciences Po Bordeaux
ScaleChanger’s intervention in two sessions on the prospective and strategic approach at Sciences Po Bordeaux, to structure and communicate a long-term vision.