Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.

Strategic planning for the Cagibig association, which promotes and facilitates the sharing of event equipment.

Caméléon France
Support for the definition and development of the organisational model and partnership strategy of Cameleon France, which fights paedo-crime and provides support for victims.

“Support for a consortium of two organizations specialized in supporting innovative initiatives in the field of social and solidarity economy (SSE) and improving social performance in the inclusive finance sector. The mission involved defining a vision of success for the partnership, as well as an operational strategy to achieve this vision.”

Chemins d’enfance
Support for the consolidation of the economic model of Chemins d’enfance, an international solidarity association that designs innovative socio-educational programmes for the development of children

City of Rotterdam
Workshops and peer exchanges on internationalisation for the city of Rotterdam. The OECD has launched a “global action” bringing together thirty countries to promote social and solidarity economy ecosystems. ScaleChanger was part of the programme consortium in the framework of the “Respond, Rebuild, Reinvent” (RRR) project, along with 15 other partners.

Compagnons Bâtisseurs
Supporting the Compagnons Bâtisseurs in their capitalization and network animation issues. This associative movement intervenes in the improvement of the habitat by building sites of Accompanied Self-Rehabilitation, loan of tools, collective animations, …

Compost InSitu network
Support in defining and formalising the network’s strategic plan.
Compost In Situ is a network of local organisations committed to territorial composting. These organisations transform organic waste into high-quality compost, promoting a return to the soil on agricultural land as close as possible to the production sites. Additionally, organic waste producers and local users of organic inputs are fully integrated into this network. This approach is rooted in the principles of the circular, social, and solidarity economy.
The Compost In Situ network plays a key role in waste management, from raising public awareness to the recovery and revalorisation of remaining waste.

Comptoir de campagne
Development of a social franchise and framing of the action plan for Comptoir de campagne, shops that sell local products in a short circuit, local services (post office, public transport, shoe repair, dry cleaning, gas, parcels, newspapers, etc.) and also offer a small restaurant

Coordination sud
Realisation of a study on agile governance, a guide to help international solidarity associations reflect on their situation

Coordination Sud
Co-production of a study about the new players in international solidarity, commissioned by the NGO Lab of CoordinationSud, a national coordination network for French international solidarity NGOs, which currently brings together 180 French NGOs.

CRPVE Centre de Ressources Politique de la Ville en Essonne
Adaptation of the association’s economic model in the context of a change in scale of the CRPVE Centre de Ressources Politique de la Ville en Essonne, whose mission is to facilitate and qualify the action of urban professionals (project managers, agents of State and local authority services, agents of public bodies, local elected officials, association leaders, etc.) within the most fragile territories, historically those of the Essonne

Culture égalité
Support for strategic diagnosis and mentoring sessions for the Culture égalité association, which welcomes and supports female victims of violence and runs awareness-raising campaigns in schools.