Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.

Le Coup de main Numérique
Expansion of the model in Pays de la Loire
The association aims to reduce digital illiteracy through various types of support and training for a diverse audience. For example, Le Coup de Main assists users with online administrative procedures and basic computer skills. It also provides training for employees and social workers to help bridge the digital divide. In schools, it raises awareness among children and parents about digital tools and best practices. Lastly, the Association Life service promotes volunteering and develops internal projects.

Le Drive tout nu
Accompanying Drive tout nu, whose ambition is to allow everyone to shop with good products without disposable packaging in the most practical way possible, on their social franchise strategy

Le Producteur Local
Support for the spin-off of the “Le Producteur Local” project in France, the only food retailer that takes no margin and allows producers to recover the full amount of what they sell.

Le Rocher
Support for the diagnosis and structuring of the affiliate-based replication of the Le Rocher association, which helps disadvantaged youth in urban areas by providing educational, social, and cultural support to promote their integration.

LeAD Campus
Pedagogical direction and coordination of the LeAD Campus consortium, a capacity building programme for high potential Africans from the private, public and voluntary sectors

Les Orchidées rouges
Strategic diagnosis support and mentoring sessions for the international NGO Les OrchidĂ©es rouges, which fights against female circumcision in France and CĂ´te d’Ivoire and supports women in their overall reconstruction, right through to their social and professional reintegration.

Les ptits doudous
Support for the spin-off of Ptits Doudous, whose mission is to improve the reception and well-being of children undergoing surgery, and to reduce their anxiety through play and digital technology before surgery

Les Puncheuses
Support for the spin-off of the association “Les Puncheuses” in the Paris region, a program that combines boxing and rehabilitation to empower women.

Mission to support the spin-off of Linklusion, the first disability subcontracting platform, expert in self-employed disabled workers

Live For Good
Mentoring assignment with Live For Good, which supports youth and mobilises businesses to boost the ecological and social transition

Strategic diagnosis support and mentoring sessions for the Loba association, which uses art to promote health by helping women who are victims of sexist and sexual violence and by raising awareness among the general public.

Locaux Moteurs
Structuring the replication approach of the Locaux Moteurs association, which supports projects transforming vacant spaces into solidarity hubs, particularly for local initiatives with social and solidarity impact. It promotes the reuse of these spaces for citizen, cultural, and housing projects.