Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.

LP4Y Inde
Impact assessment from a scaling up perspective of LP4Y “Life Project 4 Youth” (India & Nepal), a programme that works to develop the potential of all young people by experimenting with entrepreneurial values so that they become actors in their own lives and contribute to a more inclusive, sustainable and prosperous world

Ma Chance Moi Aussi
Consolidation of the economic model of Ma Chance Moi Aussi, which is committed to helping the most vulnerable children from families with educational difficulties so that all children in France have the same opportunities to succeed

Magasin partage
Support for the scaling-up of Magasin Partagé, a solidarity initiative offering discounted products for people in need while promoting social integration.

Malakoff Humanis – RĂ©seau de Confiance
Support for the spin-off of the plan into a decentralised model of Malakoff Humanis – RĂ©seau de Confiance, France’s leading joint social protection group.

Ongoing mentoring of Maltivor, the source of a food innovation: Maltivor recovers and recycles brewery residues into a new flour with high nutritional content

Meet my Mama
Support for the spin-off of Meet my Mama, a committed caterer and training school that empowers Mamas around the world to make a living from their passion for cooking.

Meet my Mamma
Support mission to replicate Meet my Mamma, a committed caterer and training school that empowers Mamas around the world to make a living from their passion for cooking

Support for the redefinition of the association’s project and the development of a three-year strategic plan.
The association is dedicated to the well-being of children aged 6 to 12 through the development of their psychosocial skills and to supporting parents in their parenting journey. Each month, workshops are organised on specific themes to help children develop new skills and knowledge

Moi et mes enfants
Definition of a model for the spin-off of the Moi et mes enfants association, which provides day-to-day support for single-parent families, in particular through the provision of a third-location facility.

Moi et Mes Enfants
Definition of the replication model and structuring of the association, which offers a range of services aimed at supporting families in their daily lives, alleviating isolation, and fostering self-sufficiency. Located in the 13th arrondissement in Paris, the association’s community space warmly welcomes families and provides facilities tailored to children of various ages. This venue is purposefully designed to encourage mutual assistance and connection among parents.

Mots & Merveilles
Structuring of the spin-off strategy and strategic plan of Mots & Merveilles, an association for the prevention and fight against illiteracy

Mots et Merveilles
Support for the social franchise spin-off of Mots et Merveilles, an association aiming to prevent and fight against illiteracy.