Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.

Strengthening the business model and developing MOVADOM’s scaling-up strategy that improves the well-being of seniors

Nest For All
Supporting Nest For All’s analysis to strengthen social performance management through scorecard analysis. Nest For All, in Senegal, offers quality medical services dedicated to women and children, accessible to the middle classes, through a network of medical facilities

Support for the scaling-up process and network’s structuring of the Nightline association, which aims to improve the mental health of students and young people on an individual and collective scale.

Support for scaling up and structuring the network.
Nightline aims to improve the mental health of students and young people on both an individual and collective level. The association offers a helpline, free psychological support, and information on mental health for young people. Numerous communication campaigns are also conducted to raise awareness on this topic

360 analysis of the social enterprise Nutri’Zaza, which fights against child malnutrition in Madagascar, with a view to financing the scaling up of the enterprise by a funder

On Purpose
Conducting a collective support program on the theme of scaling for the On Purpose program, which trains and supports professionals in transitioning to careers with social and environmental impact.

Orange Corners
Support for Orange Corners and their hubs located in different parts of the world, focusing on the maturity and challenges faced by their alumni community, followed by the facilitation of masterclasses to address key challenges.

Orchestre Ă l’Ă©cole
Strategic diagnosis and support for the definition of the scaling-up strategy of Orchestre Ă l’Ă©cole, an association that promotes and supports orchestras in schools

Osons ici et maintenant
Internal and external diagnosis in order to build the 3-year strategy of Osons ici et maintenant which offers innovative programmes to encourage young people aged 16 to 35 to gain confidence in themselves and in their potential

Planète Urgence
Evaluation of Planète Urgence’s “CongĂ© Solidaire” initiative, which allows all employees to spend two weeks volunteering during their holiday time in France, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Plateau Urbain
Support for the spin-off of Plateau Urbain, which offers vacant spaces to cultural, associative and social economy actors

Expansion and strategic diagnosis of Rebonds! which uses sport as a tool for education and social and professional integration for people in difficulty in the Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée region