Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
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Interim and final evaluation of AFIDBA – AFD for inclusive and Digital Business in Africa, a programme to accelerate inclusive and digital businesses in continental Africa

Agile Governance
A guide produced for Coordination Sud to help NGOs develop agile governance so that they are able to evolve in complex and changing environments.

Air Liquide – Access Oxygen
Evaluation of the generalization potential of Air Liquide’s Access Oxygen in Senegal, which provides access to medical oxygen, then support for the social franchise spin-off strategy

Carrying out a strategic diagnosis of ANLE, the National Association Les EntRepreneuriales, which promotes entrepreneurship among young people.

Intervention with the winners of the Scale Up programme on their business model and value proposition: Business Model Canvas, self-diagnosis of maturity to change scale and the different strategies to change scale

Carrying out the strategic diagnosis of ANTS (Sport and Advanced Neuro-Reductive Therapies) which makes the latest advances in neuro-rehabilitation available to as many people as possible

Support and mentoring mission to beneficiaries of ApiAfrique, which develops innovative solutions to reduce waste and support women’s autonomy in Senegal and French-speaking Africa

Redesign of the structure and governance of AREMACS, an association committed to reducing the environmental impact of the event sector by raising awareness, providing support, and offering concrete solutions for responsible resource and waste management.

Article 1
Support for the spin-off of Article 1, which works for a society where guidance, success in studies and professional integration of young people do not depend on their social, economic and cultural background

Arts et DĂ©veloppement
Support for the Arts et DĂ©veloppement association in its spin-off strategy, as part of the development of its network of street art workshops for priority neighborhoods

Support for the creation of a value proposition and a new economic model for the network head of performing arts structures.

Carrying out a diagnosis and helping to define the development strategy of ASMAE, an international solidarity association founded by Sister Emmanuelle, which places the condition of the child at the heart of its concerns