Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.

Co-design of pathways on scaling up. Facilitation of group workshops and individual time with the structures supported by ATIS

Au tambour !
Strategic diagnosis support and mentoring sessions for the Au tambour ! association, the first non-mixed place dedicated to respite and well-being for women who are victims of precariousness, isolation and violence in Lyon (France).

Aux arbres citoyens
(ongoing) Support for the expansion strategy of Aux arbres citoyens, an association that organises anti-waste pick-ups to share fruit with those who need it

Provision of thematic expertise for the winners of the P’INS program – 2024-2025 cohort.
Through the P’INS program, L’Avise supports social and solidarity economy organizations in their scaling process with mentorship and strategic resources.

Banlieues Santé
Support for the spin-off of the “CafĂ© des femmes” women’s emancipation project run by the Banlieues SantĂ© association, which aims to combat social inequalities in health and reduce the gap in life expectancy between rich and poor in France.

Banlieues School
Support for Banlieues School’s scale-up and consolidation of its model, which promotes educational success regardless of social background.

Begum Organization for Women (France)
Support for the structuring of Begum Organization for Women (France), an NGO dedicated to informing, educating and empowering Afghan women through access to specific programmes (radio, digital, TV), as well as the partnership relationship between Begum France and Begum Afghanistan.

Impact evaluation of the Belleville real estate company dedicated to the emergence of real estate alternatives serving territories and social utility.

Support for the spin-off of Benenova, an association that develops short, collective and punctual solidarity actions in the field, to become a volunteer easily

Bibliothèques sans frontières
Definition of the business model of Libraries Without Borders, an NGO working for access to education for all

Definition of the strategic plan for Campus Bioforce Europe, an association dedicated to training for humanitarian professions.

BuiCaSus – AVISE
Ongoing support from AVISE in the framework of “BuiCaSuS”, a consortium led by 7 representative actors of social innovation in 4 EU Member States which implements and develops innovative actions, through mutual learning and project mentoring