Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.
Strategic support for e-graine in the redesign of its associative project. e-graine is an associative movement of popular education composed of volunteers and professionals whose ambition is to cultivate the feeling of belonging to a common humanity
Support for the reorganisation of the governance of the popular education association e-graine and its network, which is based on the educational reference framework for World Citizenship Education defined by UNESCO in order to cultivate a sense of belonging to a common humanity.
Strategic support for ECHOBAT, a network that brings together players in eco-construction, integration through economic activity and training.
Support for the structuring and testing of a support pathway from member to elected representative within the ECHOBAT network, which brings together players in eco-construction, integration through economic activity and training.
Support to different structures on their development issues
Support for Ekolo[Geek] in its development potential and its strategy for spinning off. Ekolo[Geek] is an association that educates and supports young people, the general public and professionals in eco-actions (water, energy, waste, etc.) and responsible consumption.
Emmaüs Alternative – Casiers solidaires
Ongoing support for the Casiers solidaires, an Emmaüs alternatives scheme for the homeless, recognised as an innovative social and solidarity economy project
Emmaüs Connect
Support for the Emmaus Connect spin-off strategy, within the Emmaus movement, which works to integrate socially and digitally disadvantaged people
Emmaüs Défi
Strategic support from Emmaüs Défi, a social integration project where the recycling of second-hand objects is used to combat social exclusion by helping excluded people to find a dignified place in society through work
Emmaüs Innove
Emmaus Innove, a member of Emmaus France located in Montreuil, helps the most disadvantaged people to gain autonomy in order to be integrated in the long term by offering, depending on their profile, accommodation, reception, administrative domiciliation, social support or a work integration project based around a production workshop and seven sales outlets
Empow’Her fondation Kering
Collective coaching on the various strategies for scaling up for the Kering Foundation’s prizewinners
Entreprendre pour Apprendre
Support mission consisting in reshaping the governance of “Entreprendre pour Apprendre”, a popular education association that links schools and businesses to mutually enrich each other’s energies and help all potential grow together.