Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.
Entrepreneurs dans la Ville
Strategic diagnosis of Entrepreneurs dans la Ville, a support programme for young entrepreneurs in working-class neighbourhoods run by the association Sport dans la Ville
Etic – Foncièrement Responsable
Strategic planning / Social Joint Venture of Etic – Foncièrement Responsable, ESUS approved structure and pioneer of responsible third places (office spaces, coworking, shops, events)
Etic Emballage
Mission to support the spin-off of Etic Emballage which promotes returnable alternatives, environmental awareness, local and circular economy
Etoiles et des femmes
Support for the expansion of Des Etoiles et des femmes, a unique programme in France combining professional integration, gastronomy and excellence.
Femmes de territoires
Strategic diagnosis of Femmes de territoires, a social network of mutual aid for all women who wish to undertake, everywhere in France, and for all those who want to help them
Femmes pour le dire femmes pour agir
Support for strategic diagnosis and mentoring sessions for the association Femmes pour le dire femmes pour agir, which fights against the double discrimination caused by being a woman and a disabled person, in particular through a helpline for disabled women who are victims of violence.
FF Boxe
Support for the French Boxing Federation as part of Impact 2024, to identify the levers that can help mobilise people around the project to develop boxing for all.
FF Handisport
Support for the French Disabled Sports Federation as part of Impact 2024, to help roll out the project across the region and offer a sports activity adapted to all people with a physical or sensory disability.
FF Judo
Support for the French Judo Federation as part of Impact 2024, to encourage the expansion of 1,000 inclusive dojos and promote judo and associated disciplines.
FF Lutte
Support for the French Wrestling Federation in the expansion of the “Terres de luttes” project as part of Impact 2024, to promote access to wrestling for all.
FF Rugby
Support for the spin-off of the Ecological Rugby Fresco project run by the French Rugby Federation, which organises and develops 15-a-side and 5-a-side rugby in France.
FF Sport Adapté
Support for the French Federation of Adapted Sport as part of Impact 2024, to help roll out the training of referents and an assessment tool for adapted sport, and to be able to offer physical and sporting activities for people with mental or psychological disabilities.