Since 2014, more than 1000 organisations in France and internationally placed their trust in ScaleChanger, including more than 100 in the context of bespoke support missions.
You too can trust us to support you with your development challenges.

Emmaüs Connect
Support for the Emmaus Connect spin-off strategy, within the Emmaus movement, which works to integrate socially and digitally disadvantaged people

Emmaüs Défi
Strategic support from Emmaüs Défi, a social integration project where the recycling of second-hand objects is used to combat social exclusion by helping excluded people to find a dignified place in society through work

Emmaüs Innove
Emmaus Innove, a member of Emmaus France located in Montreuil, helps the most disadvantaged people to gain autonomy in order to be integrated in the long term by offering, depending on their profile, accommodation, reception, administrative domiciliation, social support or a work integration project based around a production workshop and seven sales outlets

Conducting an impact assessment and creating online modules for Empow’Her, an organization that supports and trains women entrepreneurs worldwide to strengthen their autonomy and impact.

Empow’Her fondation Kering
Collective coaching on the various strategies for scaling up for the Kering Foundation’s prizewinners

Diagnostic support for the spin-off of Enactus, which aims to help meet the social/environmental challenges of our time by encouraging the commitment of impact entrepreneurs. Its actions are based around 2 courses for high school and university students, designed to raise awareness of impact entrepreneurship and develop the entrepreneurial skills of high school students to help promote equal opportunities.

Énergie partagée
Conducting a strategic diagnosis for the association Énergie partagée, which supports citizen-led renewable energy projects, promoting a local and solidarity-based energy transition.

Entreprendre pour Apprendre
Support mission consisting in reshaping the governance of “Entreprendre pour Apprendre”, a popular education association that links schools and businesses to mutually enrich each other’s energies and help all potential grow together.

Entrepreneurs dans la Ville
Strategic diagnosis of Entrepreneurs dans la Ville, a support programme for young entrepreneurs in working-class neighbourhoods run by the association Sport dans la Ville

Entrepreneurs de la Cité
Diagnostic support for the spin-off of Entrepreneurs de la Cité, which aims to support, protect and perpetuate businesses created through inclusive insurance. It is aimed at fragile micro-entrepreneurs who are relegated to the grey areas of insurance, neglected by private insurers and public authorities, offering them a solution to ensure the long-term survival of their business in the event of a claim or accident.

Etic – Foncièrement Responsable
Strategic planning / Social Joint Venture of Etic – Foncièrement Responsable, ESUS approved structure and pioneer of responsible third places (office spaces, coworking, shops, events)

Etic Emballage
Mission to support the spin-off of Etic Emballage which promotes returnable alternatives, environmental awareness, local and circular economy