Nutri’zaza, the Success Story of a Social Enterprise Committed to Fighting Malnutrition in Madagascar

What is Nutri’zaza ?
Nutri’zaza is a social enterprise specialising in the distribution of fortified foods aiming at fighting chronic malnutrition in Madagascar by providing quality and locally-made products that are accessible to Malagasy families, whatever their social status. The Malagasy company was created in 2013 to extend and perpetuate 14 years of projects aimed at improving infant nutrition in Madagascar. As a social enterprise, all the company financial profits are reinvested in the organisation, helping Nutri’zaza to maintain and extend its action against malnutrition.
To carry out its activities, Nutri’zaza collaborates with numerous stakeholders to supply, produce and distribute its products, as well as with laboratories and a French NGO to design the product formulas. The company has built strong partnerships with the following key players:
- The GRET, a French NGO supporting Nutri’zaza since its beginning and who is behind the concept of its flagship product: the Koba Aina fortified porridge.
- Taf and La Chocolaterie Robert, which make and supply Nutri’zaza with its various products.
- Local companies and associations,
- Nutri’zaza also benefits from the support of the Malagasy government and mayors.
Nutri’zaza has an Ethics and Social Monitoring Committee, a regulatory body to pursue Nutri’zaza’s social mission, made up of state partners, humanitarian organisations and research laboratories.
“Koba Aina”, the flagship product that made Nutri’zaza famous
Nutri’zaza’s flagship product is the “Koba Aina”, an infant flour designed to give all children in Madagascar the same opportunities in development and the right nutritional intake. Like all the company’s other products, this flour is fortified and complies with strict local and international standards.
Operating and distribution
To distribute their products, Nutri’zaza has set up three distribution networks:
- a team of sales representatives who travel the country to supply supermarkets and small grocery stores with Nutri’zaza products,
- via NGOs in remote areas ensuring distribution according to local needs,
- through baby restaurants (Hotelin-Zazakely) in the heart of disadvantaged neighborhoods, not only to facilitate access to products, but also to create spaces for gathering and exchange within communities. In addition to the baby restaurants, a network of women animators distributes fortified porridge and other Nutri’zaza products from door to door, helping to combat child malnutrition on a long-term basis, as the animators visit the neighborhoods on a daily basis to ensure that children have access to a nutritional solution every day.
These distribution channels enable Nutri’zaza to cover the whole of Madagascar, reaching out to over 32,000 children every day. With 37 baby restaurants (more or less functional) and a presence in 153 neighborhoods, the company has managed to extend its impact far and wide in the space of ten years.
Nutri’zaza’s special features
One of Nutri’zaza’s distinctive features is its strong social commitment:
- In terms of price: The company strives to keep the price of its products as low as possible so they can be accessible to as many people as possible, and manage to do so without compromising the quality and standards of the products.
- In terms of jobs and proximity: the network of animators has been created to ensure daily access to their products, while at the same time offering decent work to women from underprivileged neighborhoods, with wages 8% higher than the national average.
Nutri’zaza’s development path
To develop, accelerate and sustain its growth and its model, Nutri’zaza has benefited from various funding, especially grants allowing the company to carry out research and have time to reflect on the development of new products.
- A first subsidy in 2013 from the AFD (French Agency for Development consisting in funding Technical Assistance to move from a status of project to sustainable business.
- A second grant from the European Union to finance an R&D and innovation phase. During this period, Nutri’zaza expanded its products range to reach a wider target audience.
- A third AFD funding in 2022: to finance the scaling-up of Nutri’zaza to ensure long-term distribution and maximize the impact throughout Madagascar.
Key figures for 2023
Targets for 2026
Nutri’zaza has set itself some ambitious targets: The social enterprise aims to triple the number of children reached each day to 90,000 -representing sales of over 2 million euros and 100,000 million meals distributed in the final year (2026).
Another objective of Nutri’zaza is to get the public authorities more involved in the malnutrition cause by establishing a specific regulatory and legal framework for social enterprises in Madagascar. This SSE (Social & Solidarity Economy) status does not currently exist, which means that Nutri’zaza pays the same taxes as a conventional company, while trying to offer the lowest prices with lower margins than others. This is a crucial step as it would reduce charges and taxes for social enterprises, thus promoting their development and positive impact on society.
ScaleChanger support
In 2021, ScaleChanger had the opportunity to work with Nutri’zaza to conduct a thorough analysis of the organization with a view to scaling up for more impact. We analyzed the company’s business model, its financial management, organizational and operational model, its products, distribution, production chains and finally the ecosystem. The results of the study enabled Nutri’zaza to secure the third round of funding, enabling the company to achieve its impact ambitions.
“The quest for social justice is a must in today’s world. If Nutri’zaza is to represent the change it would like to see, then Nutri’zaza is on the right track. And if Nutri’zaza is no longer just a company, then it becomes a model solution…”
Managing Director of Nutri’zaza